Iron supplements

Iron tablets in Australia are becoming popular due to the number of health benefits they offer. Iron is one of the most essential nutrients that keeps your body’s energy levels up. If you have an iron deficiency, you may experience symptoms like less concentration power, low energy levels, paler-looking skin, frequent heart palpitations or constant headaches.

Whether you have kids or looking for iron supplements for yourself or someone in the family, this blog can help you know about the various benefits of iron supplements.

So, let’s start with the benefits of taking iron tablets for kids.

Iron supplements are equally important for both adults and kids. The reasons may differ but one thing that doesn’t change is the ability of iron supplements to support your body’s development. When it comes to choosing iron tablets for kids, you should consult with your children’s pediatrician first.

Kids need different amounts of iron depending on their age. For example, kids from the age of7 to 12 months require at least 11 milligrams of iron daily while kids from the age of 9 to 13 years old only need 8 milligrams a day.


Iron supplements help produce hemoglobin in the body. It also improves oxygen delivery oxygen throughout the body including the muscles and tissues of children. Iron supplements are also known to help kids improve their motor skills and deal with the loss of appetite.

Side effects of higher dosage:

  • Stomach ache or Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Black stools 

Iron tablets for pregnancy

Iron tablets health benefits women who are not able to get the nutrients through their diet. If a pregnant woman has lower levels of hemoglobin, it can lead to anemia. Women will feel more weak and tired. This can also affect her immune system and increase the risk of infections. Iron tablets for pregnancy are highly recommended to prevent such health complications and ensure the health and safety of the child.


Iron tablets help the body produce hemoglobin which is an essential protein responsible for carrying oxygen to the body tissues. As the volume of blood increases in the body during pregnancy, women need sufficient amounts of iron.

Side effects of higher dosage:

  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Iron tablets for men

Men need iron supplements to enhance their immune system functions and energy levels. Iron also supports the body’s energy metabolism and reduces tiredness. If you’re thinking of taking iron supplements, you can expect various health benefits and positive results.


Iron tablets for men improve blood hemoglobin levels. More healthy red blood cells mean your body will stay protected against anemia. Iron strengthens your immunity and increases your body’s ability to fight infections. It also improves muscle contraction and treats fatigue.

Side effects of higher dosage: 

  • Upset stomach
  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Vomiting

Point to note: Consult with your physician before taking the health supplements.

Do you need iron tablets in Australia? Shop for the most reliable, safe and effective health supplements from OZHerbs. We offer a wide selection of products that will improve your health and energy levels. No matter your health goals, we are sure we’ll help you find the right kind of supplements and health care products.